
Manual Testing Course Structure Duration: 70 hours

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Manual Testing

Software Development Life Cycle:

• Waterfall Model
• Spiral Model
• Prototype Model
• V & V Model
• Hybrid Model

2.Software Testing:

White Box Testing:

o Path Testing
o Loop Testing
o Condition Testing
o White box Testing from Memory Point of View
o White box Testing from Performance Point of View

2. Grey Box Testing:

3. Black Box Testing:

• Functionality Testing/Component Testing
• Integration Testing
• System Testing
o Build
o Release
o Patch
o Test Cycle
o Continues Integration
o Incident Management
o Software Architecture and Testing
o Web Application
o Client Server Application
o Stand Alone Application

• Acceptance Testing
o Alpha Testing
o Beta Testing

• Smoke Testing/Sanity Testing/Dry Run
• Adhoc Testing
• Exploratory Testing
• Compatibility Testing
• Performance Testing
o Load Testing
o Stress Testing
o Volume Testing
o Soak Testing

• Reliability Testing
• Usability Testing
• Accessibility Testing
• Globalization Testing
o Internationalization testing
o Localization testing

• Regression Testing


• Introduction to Test Case
• Test Case Design Techniques
o Specification Based
o Experienced Based
• Test Case Format
• Functional Test Case
• Integration Test Case
• System Test Case
• Procedure to Write and Execute Test Case
• Test case Review Process

5. Software Test Life Cycle

• Traceability Matrix
• Test Execution Reports

6. Test Management Tool

• QC
• Jira

7. Test Plan

• Sections of Test Plan
• Test Metrices

8. Defect Tracking

• Introduction to Defects
• Defect Life Cycle
• Status of Defects
• Severity of a defect
• Priority of a defect
• Defect Report/Incident Report
• Defect Tracking Tool:
o QC

9. Static Testing

10. Dynamic Testing

11. Quality Assurance and Quality Control

12. Intership Project

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