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Introduction to Languages:

 What is Language?
 Types of languages
 Introduction to Translators
 Compiler
 Interpreter
 What is Scripting Language?
 Types of Script
 Programming Languages v/s Scripting Languages
 Difference between Scripting and Programming languages
 What is programming paradigm?
 Procedural programming paradigm
 Object Oriented Programming paradigm

Introduction to Python:

 What is Python?
 History
 Features
 Why Python is General Language?
 Limitations of Python
 Python implementations
 Python applications
 Python versions
 Difference between Python 2.x and 3.x
 Software Development Architectures

Python Software’s:

 Python Distributions
 Download &Python Installation Process in Windows, Unix, Linux and Mac
 Online Python IDLE
 Python Real-time IDEs like Spyder, Jupyter Note Book, PyCharm, Rodeo, Visual Studio
Code, ATOM, PyDevetc

Python Language Fundamentals:

 Python Implementation Alternatives/Flavors
 Keywords
 Identifiers
 Constants / Literals
 Data types
 Python VS JAVA
 Python Syntax

Different Modes of Python:

 Interactive Mode
 Scripting Mode
 Programming Elements
 Structure of Python program
 First Python Application
 Comments in Python
 Python file extensions
 Setting Path in Windows
 Edit and Run python program without IDE
 Edit and Run python program using IDEs
 Programmers View of Interpreter
 What is Byte Code in PYTHON?
 Python Debugger

Python Variables:

 bytes Data Type
 byte array
 String Formatting in Python
 Math, Random, Secrets Modules
 Introduction
 Initialization of variables
 Local variables
 Global variables
 ‘global’ keyword
 Input and Output operations
 Data conversion functions – int(), float(), complex(), str(), chr(), ord()


 Arithmetic Operators
 Comparison Operators
 Python Assignment Operators
 Logical Operators
 Bitwise Operators
 Shift operators
 Membership Operators
 Identity Operators
 Ternary Operator
 Operator precedence
 Difference between “is” vs “==”

Input & Output Operators:

 Print
 Input
 Command-line arguments

Control Statements:

 Conditional control statements
 If
 If-else
 If-elif-else
 Nested-if
 Loop control statements
 for
 while
 Nested loops
 Branching statements
 Break
 Continue
 Pass
 Return
 Case studies

Data Structures or Collections:

 Introduction
 Importance of Data structures
 Applications of Data structures
 Types of Collections
 Sequence
 Strings, List, Tuple, range
 Non sequence
 Set, Frozen set, Dictionary


 What is string
 Representation of Strings
 Processing elements using indexing
 Processing elements using Iterators
 Manipulation of String using Indexing and Slicing
 String operators
 Methods of String object
 String Formatting
 String functions
 String Immutability
 Case studies

List Collection:

 What is List
 Need of List collection
 Different ways of creating List
 List comprehension
 List indices
 Processing elements of List through Indexing and Slicing
 List object methods
 List is Mutable
 Mutable and Immutable elements of List
 Nested Lists
 List_of_lists
 Hardcopy, shallowCopy and DeepCopy
 zip() in Python
 How to unzip?
 Python Arrays:
 Case studies

Tuple Collection:

 What is tuple?
 Different ways of creating Tuple
 Method of Tuple object
 Tuple is Immutable
 Mutable and Immutable elements of Tuple
 Process tuple through Indexing and Slicing
 List v/s Tuple
 Case studies

Set Collection:

 What is set?
 Different ways of creating set
 Difference between list and set
 Iteration Over Sets
 Accessing elements of set
 Python Set Methods
 Python Set Operations
 Union of sets
 functions and methods of set
 Python Frozen set
 Difference between set and frozenset ?
 Case study

Dictionary Collection:

 What is dictionary?
 Difference between list, set and dictionary
 How to create a dictionary?
 Accessing values of dictionary
 Python Dictionary Methods
 Copying dictionary
 Updating Dictionary
 Reading keys from Dictionary
 Reading values from Dictionary
 Reading items from Dictionary
 Delete Keys from the dictionary
 Sorting the Dictionary
 Python Dictionary Functions and methods
 Dictionary comprehension


 What is Function?
 Advantages of functions
 Syntax and Writing function
 Calling or Invoking function
 Classification of Functions
o No arguments and No return values
o With arguments and No return values
o With arguments and With return values
o No arguments and With return values
o Recursion
 Python argument type functions :
o Default argument functions
o Required(Positional) arguments function
o Keyword arguments function
o Variable arguments functions
 ‘pass’ keyword in functions
 Lambda functions/Anonymous functions
o map()
o filter()
o reduce()
 Nested functions
 Non local variables, global variables
 Closures
 Decorators
 Generators
 Iterators
 Monkey patching

Advanced Python:

Python Modules:

 Importance of modular programming
 What is module
 Types of Modules – Pre defined, User defined.
 User defined modules creation
 Functions based modules
 Class based modules
 Connecting modules
 Import module
 From … import
 Module alias / Renaming module
 Built In properties of module


 Organizing python project into packages
 Types of packages – pre defined, user defined.
 Package v/s Folder
 py file
 Importing package
 Introduction to PIP
 Installing PIP
 Installing Python packages
 Un installing Python packages


 Procedural v/s Object oriented programming
 Principles of OOP – Encapsulation , Abstraction (Data Hiding)
 Classes and Objects
 How to define class in python
 Types of variables – instance variables, class variables.
 Types of methods – instance methods, class method, static method
 Object initialization
 ‘self’ reference variable
 ‘cls’ reference variable
 Access modifiers – private(_) , protected(), public
 AT property class
 Property() object
 Creating object properties using setaltr, getaltr functions
 Encapsulation(Data Binding)
 What is polymorphism?
 Overriding

  1. i) Method overriding
  2. ii) Constructor overriding
     Overloading
  3. i) Method Overloading
  4. ii) Constructor Overloading
    iii) Operator Overloading
     Class re-usability
     Composition
     Aggregation
     Inheritance – single , multi level, multiple, hierarchical and hybrid inheritance and
    Diamond inheritance
     Constructors in inheritance
     Object class
     super()
     Runtime polymorphism
     Method overriding
     Method resolution order(MRO)
     Method overriding in Multiple inheritance and Hybrid Inheritance
     Duck typing
     Concrete Methods in Abstract Base Classes
     Difference between Abstraction & Encapsulation
     Inner classes
     Introduction
     Writing inner class
     Accessing class level members of inner class
     Accessing object level members of inner class
     Local inner classes
     Complex inner classes
     Case studies

Exception Handling & Types of Errors:

 What is Exception?
 Why exception handling?
 Syntax error v/s Runtime error
 Exception codes – AttributeError, ValueError, IndexError, TypeError…
o Handling exception – try except block
o Try with multi except
o Handling multiple exceptions with single except block
 Finally block
o Try-except-finally
o Try with finally
o Case study of finally block
 Raise keyword

Regular expressions:

 Understanding regular expressions
 String v/s Regular expression string
 “re” module functions
 Match()
 Search()
 Split()
 Findall()
 Compile()
 Sub()
 Subn()
 Expressions using operators and symbols
 Simple character matches
 Special characters
 Character classes
 Mobile number extraction
 Mail extraction
 Different Mail ID patterns
 Data extraction
 Password extraction
 URL extraction
 Vehicle number extraction
 Case study

File &Directory handling:

 Introduction to files
 Opening file
 File modes
 Reading data from file
 Writing data into file
 Appending data into file
 Line count in File
 CSV module
 Creating CSV file
 Reading from CSV file
 Writing into CSV file
 Object serialization – pickle module
 XML parsing, JSON parsing

Date & Time module:

 How to use Date & Date Time class
 How to use Time Delta object
 Formatting Date and Time
 Calendar module
 Text calendar
 HTML calendar

OS module:

 Shell script commands
 Various OS operations in Python
 Python file system shell methods
 Creating files and directories
 Removing files and directories
 Shutdown and Restart system
 Renaming files and directories
 Executing system commands

Multi-threading & Multi Processing:

 Introduction
 Multi tasking v/s Multi threading
 Threading module
 Creating thread – inheriting Thread class , Using callable object
 Life cycle of thread
 Single threaded application
 Multi threaded application
 Can we call run() directly?
 Need to start() method
 Sleep()
 Join()
 Synchronization – Lock class – acquire(), release() functions
 Case studies

Garbage collection:

 Introduction
 Importance of Manual garbage collection
 Self reference objects garbage collection
 ‘gc’ module
 Collect() method
 Threshold function

Python Data Base Communications(PDBC):

 Introduction to DBMS applications
 File system v/s DBMS
 Communicating with MySQL
 Python – MySQL connector
 connector module
 connect() method
 Oracle Database
 Install cx_Oracle
 Cursor Object methods
 execute() method
 executeMany() method
 fetchone()
 fetchmany()
 fetchall()
 Static queries v/s Dynamic queries
 Transaction management
 Case studies

Tkinter & Turtle:

 Introduction to GUI programming
 Tkinter module
 Tk class
 Components / Widgets
 Label , Entry , Button , Combo, Radio
 Types of Layouts
 Handling events
 Widgets properties
 Case studies

Django Tutorial:

o Django Tutorial
o Features
o Django Installation
o Django Project
o Apache Configuration
o Virtual Environment Setup
o Admin Interface
o Django App
o Django MVT
o Django Model
o Django View
o Django Template
o URL Mapping
o Static Files Handling
o ModelForms
o Django Forms
o Form Validation
o File Upload
o Database Connectitvity
o Database Migrations
o Django Middleware
o Request and Response
o Django Exceptions
o Django Session
o Django Cookie
o Djnago CSV Output
o Django PDF Output
o Django and Bootstrap
o Deploy on Github
o Django Mail Setup
o Django Default CRUD
o CRUD Application

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